SC/ST Cell

The scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) Cell in E.G.S Pillay Engineering college promotes the special interest of students in the reserved category and to provide special inputs in areas where the students experiences difficulty. The cell regularly have to conduct remedial coaching classes on life skills, personality development, writing assignments and making presentations and have to organize interactive sessions and informal meetings with students to attend to their personal, social and academic problems. The key functionalities of the cell are

  • To bring the students belongs to SC/ST community at par with the main stream student body
  • To create a platform where students can point out their problems, regarding academic and nonacademic matters.
  • To monitor the implementation of reservation policy in the institution.
  • Committee often meet the students and faculties belong to SC/ST communities, to understand their problem and take necessary action and/or render them necessary advice/help to resolve the problem.
  • Creating awareness among the SC/ST students regarding the various Government and Non-Government scholarship schemes.
  • Counseling and motivating the students to help them overcome inferiority complex related to interaction with fellow students and personal grooming, etc.
  • Minutes of Meeting

    Name Designation Department Position
    Mr. M. Markco Assistant Professor CSBS Convener
    Ms. K.Geetha Assistant Professor S&H Co-Convener
    Dr. N.Moorthy Associate Professor S&H Member
    Mr. B.Manikandan Assistant Professor Mechanical Member
    Mr. V.R Sugumaran Assistant Professor CSE Member
    Mr. K. KRISHNARAM Assistant Professor EEE Member