
Central Library:

Our Library is a paradise for those who have a passion for reading Books and enthusiasm for widening their knowledge base in depth and extent. The library has an area of 5670 sq.ft. of built-up Facilities. Strength of Library and Services provided in the Library include:
    Fully computerized working Systems.
    18632 Titles and 34128 Volumes.
    118 print Indian / Foreign Journals / Magazines.
    Online journals databases from IEEE, Science Direct, DELNET and other journals

Library Administration:

  • Head                         :  Mr. B. Shanmugam,
  • Librarian                   :  Mrs. R. Mathurabashini
  • Librarian                   :  Ms. G. Shanmuga Priya
  • Assistant Librarian    :  Mrs. R. Sumathi
  • Assistant                    :   Mr. B. Muralidharan.
  • Technical Assistant   :   Mr. R. Balaji


Facilities to receive Anna University Training Development and Communication Channel (AUTDCC) through EDUSAT: for special lectures by Experts
     Lending, Reference and Reprographic facilities.
    Study halls with a capacity for 150 students/ Faculty.
    2 air-conditioned Audio and Video Halls.
     Internet browsing
    CD Library, CD ROMs, CD writing and Scanning
    NPTEL Video course materials developed by IIT’s & IISc.
    Digital Library with 68 Systems .

Dedicated Areas for PG Students, Project Work and air-conditioned reading halls. We are member in DELNET as Institutional Membership for resource sharing: Library membership is compulsory for staff and students. All members are expected to follow the ‘Regulations’ as laid down.

Regulations for Use of Library

    One should realize ‘the power of silence’ in the Library and make it an Abode for Academic pursuit and for dissemination of   knowledge.
    Members should produce their Identity card at the Entrance/ while borrowing books/ and whenever so demanded by Security Personnel/ Faculty.
    Members should ‘sign in’ the Gate Register/ Scan Id card in the Computer kept at the Entrance.
    On no account personal books, files, lab coat / apron and articles will be allowed inside. (Such items are to be handed over to the security in charges in the personal Bag section at the Entrance).